SensoryLab UNIFI: Our expertise is in tailor-made food product innovation, including participatory approaches and consumer perception fo foods (food preferences, affective responses to foods) - from concept to prototypes and products.
Furthermore we study consumer food behaviors and factors affecting them, including sensory aspects, taste responsivenss, psychological traits and attitudes.
We can contribute on topic 2 and topic 3.
The University of Florence it is one of the largest research and higher education organisations in Italy, with 1,800 structured lecturers and researchers, around 1,600 technical and administrative staff, and over 1,600 doctoral and post-doctoral students. The University of Florence is a large university, with a very wide range of courses spanning all subject areas. One hundred and forty-six degree courses (first and second level and single-cycle) of which 15 are in English, organised into 10 Schools, a total population of around fifty-one thousand enrolled, a quarter of whom come from outside the region.
The sensory science unit aims at studying factors affecting food preferences and food perception in healthy and vulnerable/clinical populations. One of its core expertise is also on food product innovation through a participatory approach.