We are planning on submitting a research proposal titled "Empowering Sustainable Food Choice Through School Food Systems." This project will evaluate the school food environment as an arena for empowering young people to engage in sustainable food choices and collective food action. We will use a systems approach that considers all aspects of a school food system including teaching and learning, food and sustainability, community partnerships, and policy and leadership.
We are looking for partners who hold interest and expertise in this topic. We have specific interest in connecting with experts in the following areas:
- Systems mapping
- School policy and leadership
- Digital food environment
- School-community partnerships
This project is being proposed by a team in the research environment Food and Meals within the Department of Food, Nutrition, and Sport Science at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Our research environment focuses on learning, leadership, sustainability and health. We conduct research projects focusing on food and meals within and outside homes, on subject didactical research of Home and Consumer Studies, and on research focusing on the role of food habits for health.