We are interested in building partnerships for a project focusing on food literacy and enabling shifts in consumer habits in selected territorial communities to achieve Sustainability. We understand the latter as a development model that is able to meet emerging social needs.
In the context of food system, this translates into the necessity of introducing a strong Value System, based on these emerging needs, that is able to reorient territorial stakeholders in the production, distribution, and consumption of food that is characterised by the following:
1. Quality (safe food—with lower content of harmful substances; healthy food—with a higher presence of nutraceutical substances and nutrients; food with better organoleptic properties, such as smell, color, and taste; preservable food; easily consumable food, such as ready-made meals);
2. Circularity (produced, distributed, and consumed with respect for preserving the four capital stocks);
3. Culture (food that is culturally rooted in local values and traditions);
4. Solidarity (in both production and consumption, e.g., solidarity purchases for consumers, Food Banks for producers).
The main goal of the Project is to primarily engage consumers, providing them with knowledge and practical tools to reorient food choices toward Sustainability and, therefore, to change decision-making models in line with the previously described Value System.
We aim to do so by structuring a Territorial Food Policy which could be implemented by public decision makers (universities, local authorities), in collaboration with the Knowledge System, via three main lines of action:
1. Production of shared guidelines aligned with Value System (e.g. technical roundtable discussions with collective catering services operating in schools and/or universities);
2. Promotion of food literacy through educational activities (lectures, workshops, school menu co-designing, showcases, etc.) targeting the younger generation;
3. Empowering the entire territorial community through outreach programmes (multimedia campaigns, public events, etc.).
Furthermore, in the case of involvement of public entities such as Metropolitan Cities, an additional line of action could involve Food Hubs, as they serve as they serve as a fundamental tool of territorial food policies.
We are happy to build a solid network to further develop this idea. Please, get in touch at the email provided.
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation works to contribute to finding Solutions to pursue a Sustainable Development model via four principal activities: scientific research, publishing (with a SCOPUS indexed scientific journal and two book series), education and events.