Topic 1: The way towards sustainable and resilient food systems
We are interested in joining a consortium focused on improving the sustainability and resilience of the cereal value chain. Possible topics for collaboration we envisage include, but are not limited to:
- Developing strategies to cope with climate-induced changes in raw material properties during processing, with a focus on cereals.
- Valorisation of by-products from the cereal processing industry, e.g. wheat bran, oat bran, ….
- Upcycling bread waste or more broadly food waste from cereal products.
We are the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry (KU Leuven, Belgium), a research group of ca. 45 people led by Prof. Christophe Courtin and Prof. Arno Wouters. Our mission is to understand and improve the structure, function and processing of food constituents, with a focus on cereals. We aim to foster strong collaborations with industrial partners and to provide analytical support. Our research activities are structured into four strongly interdependent research lines: (i) cereal raw materials and their constituents, (ii) cereal processing technologies incl. fermentation and enzymes, (iii) techno-functional and nutritional aspects of cereal-based constituents and co-ingredients, and (iv) their applications for cereal-derived end products.